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Key Benefits

Releasing Time
for Care

On average a practice can save approximately 50 days annually.

Integration &
Single Sign On

GP-Billing provides full integration with EMIS Web and TPP SystmOne.


GP Billing enables card payments to be processed through Capita Pay360.

Security and

Configurable system access with encrypted patient data stored in accredited data centre.

Easily Adaptable
Software Interface

Intuitively designed with practices and their staff in mind.

Paperless NHS

Remove the reliance on paper documents and insecure spreadsheets.

Helping save time and reduce pressures

GP-Billing is aligned with the Long Term Plan’s High Impact Actions

The software aims to help some of the most burdensome areas faced by teams in General Practice by offering a centralised system for third-party billing, whilst capturing income and reducing time on admin.

Getting Paid0%

Processing information from hospitals0%

Keeping up to date with changes0%

Reporting other information0%

Supporting patients dealing with NHS0%

System Features

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The home dashboard has quick access views and is the most used dashboard.

View draft bills

View outstanding bills


The administration dashboard allows the software to be tailored to each practice.

Add branch sites

Customise practice headers with logos and specific payment information

Manage users and permissions for access profiles


The reporting dashboard provides a set of reports that help to ensure and provide the following:

Accuracy of the information recorded

Analysis of income sources

Manage aged debtors and report on accounting

VAT information

Reports can be filtered, sorted and exported to Microsoft Excel for further analysis

Processing Features

Pricing and Templates

A pre-defined NHS fees template allows the practice to amend terminology, set the fees and choose whether to include VAT.

Prices can be amended on individual bills and discounts to a service can be applied as a one off.

It is possible to add public and private notes on a bill for future reference.

Clinical System Integration

Through integration with clinical systems, the patient account is automatically created when a patient is synchronised.

Bills can be pre-populated with services provided to the patient using the clinical codes on the consultation record in a matter of seconds.

A notification is recorded on the patient care record confirming when bills have been raised and payments are received. This is customisable for each service offered by the practice.

Records and Receipts

Invoices can be printed or emailed as a PDF to the patient or company via Microsoft Outlook, saving the practice time and money.

Patient details can be withheld, and a purchase order number added if third party company requests this.

There is a full transactional history for each patient, third party and all other businesses.

Task Management

GP-Billing provides the ability to track billable work around the practice.

Enable tracking of work around the back office using Task Management. Assign work to individuals, set due dates and report on status.

Virtual Terminal

GP-Billing is integrated with Capita Pay360 enabling a virtual terminal to be displayed when taking card payments.

Payments are processed and authorised through a merchant account reducing the need for PDQ machines.

Accounts Integration

Seamlessly pass outstanding bills from GP-Billing to Xero, Quickbooks and Sage.

Using the accounting integration plug-in, outstanding patient and third party bills can be posted to accounts software for collection. Healthcode integration coming soon …


Take card payments anywhere in the practice.

Our integration with SumUp Solo allows you to have one or more payment terminals to take contactless, Apple Pay, Google Pay or chip and pin payments. * Additional fees apply

Latest Success Stories

Read our Success Stories to find out how practices and organisations are using GP Billing to transform outdated processes and capture income.

Primary Integrated Community Services

Learn more about how PICS have successfully adopted new technology, including GP Billing, to support new ways work of working in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Northgate Surgery

Northgate Surgery is using GP Billing to increase data accuracy and is already raising on average 119 bills per month. The system is enabling the practice to capture income from various streams.

Riverside Medical Practice

Having recently adopted GP Billing as their billing system of choice, the practice is already saving time and working smarter with GP Billing and improved workflows.

Find out how GP Billing can help you

Inspiring positive back-office change with streamlined billing software .


Total Users


Bills Raised


Types of services

Did you know?

On average 1 in 10 bills are missed resulting in £5,000 lost revenue on average per annum. A robust billing system can help.